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The 3 reasons I took the plunge and started Crafts on Display


When I launched Crafts on Display, I had three personal reasons pushing me forward, on top of my love for all things DIY and crafting.

One thing that not many know about me is that my all-time favorite blog is Cup of Jo. It’s a lifestyle blog that’s grown into a community of like-minded friends over the years. It’s not only the content that draws me in, but also how it feels to be there – it feels like an amazing place, that offers a sense of warmth and stability. On top of that, what I really appreciate is the consistency and frequency of their blog posts.

So it all started with a mere thought. I’ve noticed I was getting kinda addicted to that daily dose of entertainment and inspiration from CoJ, and it got me thinking that our crafting community could use a similar space.

For this reason, my goal with Crafts on Display is to provide daily inspiration for fellow crafters like you. Slowly but surely, I want to create a welcoming space where you can discover new ideas, improve your skills, and build your confidence.

As a crafter and reader myself, this is what I personally appreciate and enjoy, and I hope to make Crafts on Display a place you’ll want to return to regularly.

I’m on a personal mission to avoid fabric hoarding. As some of you may know, I’ve been sewing for eight years now (and for the past four years, I’ve been running icansewthis.com), and my fabric stash has gotten out of control. Obviously, it’s not something I’m proud of, especially since I consider myself a minimalist in every other area of my life. But I know I’m not alone – knitters, crocheters, and other crafters all have their own hoards of materials they may never use. By the way, have you ever noticed how all craft memes are almost identical?!

That’s why I decided to diversify my interests. I know mileage may vary, but instead of buying more fabric like a maniac, I decided to focus on this new website and once in a while try out other DIY projects. I mean, you can’t go out and buy more fabric if you’ve got a bunch of other things on your mind and you’ve got other stuff to do, right?

It’s a real head-scratcher to find sewing ideas that we, as a family, will actually use, so I can make a dent in my fabric stash that actually counts. I’ve made a lot of pillow covers, skirts, and napkins over the years, leaving me with plenty to spare. But now, with Crafts on Display, every day I’m searching for new project ideas to share with you, and I’m thrilled to discover that the possibilities are endless!

I can see myself one day making a nice DIY vase, a cute lampshade, a unique wall art using crumb quilting, or a new pair of earrings for me. So if you’re like me and want to keep things fresh and exciting, stick around. Let’s explore all the different DIY projects out there and have some fun along the way!

I know what you might be thinking: won’t branching out into other hobbies just lead to more clutter and hoarding? It’s indeed a valid question, but… I’m pretty sure I’m not the same person I was before. Now I know that when you’re really into a hobby, you don’t have to go out and buy every supply under the sun! Also, another important thing I’ve learned over the years – try to buy things “just in case” as close to never as you can.

Anyway, we all know specialization is key at work, but does that mean we have to specialize in our hobbies too? That’s certainly a conversation to be had.

Personally, I don’t think you need to be a pro at everything you do for fun. At the end of the day, it’s just a hobby, so why put that kind of pressure on yourself, right?

My personal worldview is simple: everyone deserves a seat at the table. We all have different backgrounds and experiences that shape how we see the world, but I believe that we should work together to create a more balanced society. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping small bloggers thrive – I was in their shoes not too long ago.

With so many wildly successful blogs out there, it’s clear that there are real opportunities to make money online. There’s enough stuff in the world for everybody! If someone else is successful, it doesn’t mean you can’t be successful too. You can use their success stories as motivation to work hard and achieve your own goals.

However, smaller bloggers often need a little extra support to get noticed. And that’s where Crafts on Display comes into play. If you want to boost your blog’s visibility and reach a wider audience, let me give you a helping hand! All you have to do is submit your craft tutorial here.

These three reasons are and always will be at the heart of everything I do here at Crafts on Display. I hope you’ll stick around, because I’ve got plenty of exciting things in store for this site – and I can’t wait to share them with you!

All the best,


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